Playing with Fear: New Image of Monsters in Horror Films

Where are monsters born, why are their images constantly changing, and what do monsters really want to tell us? This event hosts researchers in the field of monstrosity to explore the not so obvious answers to the questions above particularly in respect to cinema.

Кино 16+

The discussion will include 4 parts, including 3 public talks with the guest speakers and a  presentation of an artistic field work. The event will take place on Pokrovsky Boulevard in one of the Higher School of Economics buildings. 

The panel discussion will gather speakers from different backgrounds: 

  • cultural historian Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk
  • philosopher Natalia Vereshchagina
  • researcher at The Institute of Philosophy Alexander Pisarev 

Each speaker  will have a talk of about 30 minutes, after which the audience will be invited to pose questions. The working languages are English and Russian. All sessions will be moderated by students, the organizers of the event.

You can find more information here.


638 дней назад
10 декабря 2022 12:00–15:00

Покровский бульвар, 11 Здание НИУ ВШЭ Аудитория – G-303
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